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Appium Blog

Announcing HeadSpin as Appium's Development Partner

Recently, we announced a new sponsorship and contributor compensation program for the Appium project. As part of this program, we felt it was important to have a place to recognize those companies who make an extremely valuable kind of contribution to the project: dedicated maintainer time. Appium only survives because of the tireless efforts of the core maintainers, and some of us are only able to do this work because it is donated on behalf of our day jobs. We're therefore very excited to announce our first Development Partner: HeadSpin!

Announcing Appium's Sponsorship Program

Over the last several months, the Appium team has been working on a sponsorship program that is designed to help give back to Appium's contributors as well as to recognize important partner individuals or companies in the industry. This program is now officially launching! Let's dive into some of the details.

Hello World!

This is the first post in the Appium blog. There's not much to see here yet. We're creating this space so we can make announcements or post other news, or information about events, that don't really fit inside the documentation itself.