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Appium Plugins

Plugins offer various ways to extend or modify Appium's behaviour. They are completely optional and are not needed for standard automation functionality, but you may find them to be useful for more specialised automation workflows.

Generally, plugins can be installed using their listed installation key, with the following command:

appium plugin install <installation key>

Official Plugins

These plugins are are currently maintained by the Appium team:

Installation Key
Execute Driver execute-driver Run entire batches of commands in a single call to the Appium server
Images images Image matching and comparison features
Relaxed Caps relaxed-caps Relax Appium's requirement for vendor prefixes on capabilities
Storage storage Server-side storage with client-side management
Universal XML universal-xml Instead of the standard XML format for iOS and Android, use an XML definition that is the same across both platforms

Other Plugins

These plugins are not maintained by the Appium team and can provide additional functionality:

Installation Key
Supported By
AltUnity --source=npm appium-altunity-plugin Target Unity games and apps for automation with a new context, via the AltUnityTester framework HeadSpin
Device Farm --source=npm appium-device-farm Manage and create driver sessions on connected Android devices and iOS simulators @AppiumTestDistribution
Gestures --source=npm appium-gestures-plugin Perform basic gestures using W3C Actions @AppiumTestDistribution
Interceptor --source=npm appium-interceptor Intercept and mock API requests and responses @AppiumTestDistribution
OCR --source=npm appium-ocr-plugin Find elements via OCR text @jlipps
Reporter --source=npm appium-reporter-plugin Generate standalone consolidated HTML reports with screenshots @AppiumTestDistribution
Wait --source=npm appium-wait-plugin Manage global element wait timeouts @AppiumTestDistribution


If you maintain an Appium plugin that you would like to be listed in the Appium docs, feel free to make a PR to add it to this section with a link to the documentation for the plugin.