
Announcing HeadSpin as Appium's Development Partner

Recently, we announced a new sponsorship and contributor compensation program for the Appium project. As part of this program, we felt it was important to have a place to recognize those companies who make an extremely valuable kind of contribution to the project: dedicated maintainer time. Appium only survives because of the tireless efforts of the core maintainers, and some of us are only able to do this work because it is donated on behalf of our day jobs. We're therefore very excited to announce our first Development Partner: HeadSpin!

HeadSpin is a real device performance and UX analysis cloud, with full support for Appium. When you run your Appium tests on HeadSpin, you get access to comprehensive performance reports about your app, including potential network, system resource, or user experience issues. HeadSpin supports a variety of complex testing modes, including hooking up your own devices to the cloud, injecting and receiving video and audio to/from devices, working with media (streaming) platforms, and more.

HeadSpin has been one of the Appium project's biggest supporters for a long time, and currently employs two of Appium's core maintainers, donating a significant portion of their time towards the development, maintenance, support, and leadership of open source Appium repos. HeadSpin has also worked hard towards Appium's vision of a robust Appium ecosystem, contributing several HeadSpin-maintained Appium drivers and plugins to the community:

These are all free and open source Appium components that HeadSpin has donated to the community with the goal of fostering collaboration in these areas of media app automation.

Looking to the future, HeadSpin plans to continue supporting Appium in significant ways, both as a Development Partner and a significant contributor to the Appium ecosystem. The Appium project is deeply indebted to HeadSpin for all of its support, and is proud to take this moment to recognize HeadSpin as our first official Development Partner!