
Appium's Config System

Appium 2 supports configuration files. A configuration file is intended to have (nearly) 1:1 parity with command-line arguments. An end user can supply Appium 2 with a configuration file, CLI args, or both (the args have precedence over the config file).

This document will be a technical overview of how the configuration system works. It is intended for Appium contributors, but will also explain the system's fundamental features.

Reading a Config File

A config file is a JSON, JavaScript, or YAML file which can be validated against a schema. By default, this file will be named .appiumrc.{json,js,yaml,yml} and should be in the root of the project which depends upon appium. Other filenames and locations are supported via the --config <file> flag. For obvious reasons, the config argument is disallowed within config files.

In lieu of a separate file, configuration can be embedded in a project's package.json using the appiumConfig property, e.g.,:

  "appiumConfig": {
    "server": {
      "port": 12345

When an Appium server is started via the appium executable, the init function in lib/main.js will call into lib/config-file.js to load and/or search for a configuration file and in package.json.


It is not an error if configuration isn't found!

The lilconfig package provides the search & load functionality; refer to its documentation for more information about the search paths. Additionally, Appium provides support for config files written in YAML via the package yaml.

If a config file is found and successfully validated, the result will be merged with a set of defaults and any additionall CLI arguments. CLI arguments have precedence over config files, and config files have precedence over defaults.


The same system is used for both validation of config files and command-line arguments.

The package ajv provides validation. Of course, to make ajv validate anything, it must be provided a schema.

The base schema is a JSON Schema Draft-7-compliant object exported by lib/schema/appium-config-schema.js. This schema defines configuration native to Appium, and only concerns its behavior as a server; it does not define configuration for any other functionality (e.g., the plugin or driver subcommands).


Note that this file is the base schema; this will become painfully relevant.

This file is is not a JSON file, because a) JSON is painful to work with for humans, b) is especially reviled by @jlipps, and c) ajv accepts objects, not JSON files.

It is more straightforward to explain how config files are validated, so we'll start there.

Validating Config Files

When a config file is found (lib/config-file.js), it will call the validate function exported from lib/schema/schema.js with the contents of the config file. In turn, this asks ajv to validate the data against the schema that Appium has provided it.

If the config file is invalid, errors will be generated to be displayed to the user. Finally, the init function will detect these errors, display them, and the process will exit.

I hope that made sense, because this is the easy part.

Validating CLI Arguments

As mentioned earlier, the same system is used for validating both config files and CLI arguments.

Totally not judging, but Appium uses argparse for its CLI argument parsing. This package, and others like it, provides an API to define the arguments a command-line Node.js script accepts, and will ultimately return an object representation of the user-supplied arguments.

Just as the schema defines what's allowed in a config file, it also defines what's allowed on the command-line.

Defining CLI Arguments via Schema

CLI arguments must be defined before their values can be validated.

A JSON schema isn't a natural fit for defining CLI args--it needs some grease to make it work--but it's close enough that we can do so with an adapter and some custom metadata.

In lib/cli/parser.js, there's a wrapper around argparse's ArgumentParser; it's called (wait for it)... ArgParser. The wrapper exists because we're doing some custom things with argparse, but is has nothing to do with the schema directly.

An ArgParser instance is created and its parseArgs() method is called with the raw CLI arguments. The definition of the accepted arguments comes from lib/cli/args.js in part--here, all of the arguments not intended for use with the server subcommand are hard-coded (e.g., the driver subcommand and its subcommands). args.js also contains a function getServerArgs(), which in turn calls into toParserArgs in lib/schema/cli-args.js. lib/schema/cli-args.js can be considered the "adapter" layer between argparse and the schema.

toParserArgs uses the flattenSchema function exported by lib/schema/schema.js, which "squashes" the schema into a key/value representation. Then, toParserArgs iterates over each key/value pair and "converts" it into a suitable ArgumentOption object for final handoff to ArgParser.

This adapter (cli-args.js) is where most of the mess is hidden; let's explore this rat's nest a bit further.

CLI & Schema Incongruities

The conversion algorithm (see function subSchemaToArgDef in lib/schema/cli-args.js) is mostly just hacks and special cases neatly packed into a function. Things that don't cleanly map from argparse to a JSON schema include, but are not limited to:

  • A schema cannot natively express "store the value of --foo=<value> in a property called bar" in a schema (this corresponds to the ArgumentOption['dest'] prop).
  • A schema cannot natively express aliases; e.g., --verbose can also be -v
  • A schema enum is not restricted to multiple types, but argparse's equivalent ArgumentOption['choices'] prop is
  • A schema does not know about argparse's concept of "actions" (note that Appium is not currently using custom actions--though it did, and it could again).
  • argparse has no native type for email, hostname, ipv4, uri etc., and the schema does
  • Schema validation only validates, it does not perform translation, transformation, or coercion (mostly). argparse allows this.
  • Schemas allow the null type, for whatever reason. Ever pass null on the CLI?
  • argparse does not understand anything other than primitives; no objects, arrays, etc., and certainly not arrays of a particular type.

All of the above cases and others are handled by the adapter.


Some decisions made in the adapter were arrived at via coin toss. If you are curious about why something is the way it is, it's likely that it had to do something.

Let's look more closely at handling types.

Argument Types via ajv

While argparse allows consumers, via its API, to define the type of various arguments (e.g., a string, number, boolean flag, etc.), Appium mostly avoids these built-in types. Why is that? Well:

  1. We already know the type of an argument, because we've defined it in a schema.
  2. ajv provides validation against a schema.
  3. A schema allows for greater expression of types, allowed values, etc., than argparse can provide natively.
  4. The expressiveness of a schema allows for better error messaging.

To that end, the adapter eschews argparse's built-in types (see allowed string values of ArgumentOption['type']) and instead abuses the ability to provide a function as a type. The exception is boolean flags, which do not have a type, but rather action: 'store_true'. The world may never know why.

Types as Functions

When a type is a function, the function performs both validation and coercion (if necessary). So what are these functions?

Note: type is omitted (and thus not a function) from the ArgumentOption if the property type is boolean, and is instead provided an action property of store_true. Yes, this is weird. No, I don't know why.

Well... it depends upon the schema. But generally speaking, we create a pipeline of functions, each corresponding to a keyword in the schema. Let's take the example of the port argument. In lieu of asking the OS which ports the appium-running user can bind to, this argument is expected to be an integer between 1 and 65535. This turns out to be two functions which we combine into a pipeline:

  1. Convert the value to an integer, if possible. Because every value in process.argv is a string, we must coerce if we want a number.
  2. Use ajv to validate the integer against the schema for port. A schema lets us define a range via the minimum and maximum keywords. Read more about how this works in

Much like the config file validation, if errors are detected, Appium nicely tells the end-user and the process exits w/ some help text.

For other arguments which are naturally of non-primitive types, things are not so straightforward.


Remember how argparse doesn't understand arrays? What if the most ergonomic way to express a value is, in fact, an array?

Well, Appium can't accept an array on the CLI, even though it can accept one in the config file. But Appium can accept a comma-delimited string (a CSV "line"). Or a string filepath referring to a file which contains a delimited list. Either way: by the time the value gets out of the argument parser, it should be an array.

And as mentioned above, the native facilities of a JSON schema cannot express this. However, it's possible to define a custom keyword which Appium can then detect and handle accordingly. So that's what Appium does.

In this case, a custom keyword appiumCliTransformer is registered with ajv. The value of appiumCliTransformer (at the time of this writing) can be csv or json. In the base schema file, appium-config-schema.js, Appium uses appiumCliTransformer: 'csv' if this behavior is desired.


Any property defined in the schema having type array will automatically uses the csv transformer. Likewise, a property having type object will use the json transformer. It's conceivable that array may want to use the json transformer, but otherwise, the presence of the appiumCliTransformer keyword on an array-or-object-typed property is not stricly necessary.

The adapter (remember the adapter?) creates a pipeline function including a special "CSV transformer" (transformers are defined in lib/schema/cli-transformers.js), and uses this function as the type property of the ArgumentOption passed into argparse. In this case, the type: 'array' in the schema is ignored.


The config file doesn't need to perform any complex transformation of values, because it naturally allows Appium to define exactly what it expects. So Appium does no post-processing of config file values.

Properties that do not need this special treatment use ajv directly for validation. How this works requires some explanation, so that's next.

Validation of Individual Arguments via ajv

When we think of a JSON schema, we tend to think, "I have this JSON file and I want to validate it against the schema". That's valid, and in fact Appium does just that with config files! However, Appium does not do this when validating arguments.


During implementation, I was tempted to mash all of the arguments together into a config-file-like data structure and then validate it all at once. I think that would have been possible, but since an object full of CLI arguments is a flat key/value structure and the schema is not, this seemed like trouble.

Instead, Appium validates a value against a specific property within the schema. To do this, it maintains a mapping between a CLI argument definition and its corresponding property. The mapping itself is a Map with a unique identifier for the argument as the key, and an ArgSpec (lib/schema/arg-spec.js) object as the value.

An ArgSpec object stores the following metadata:

Property Name Description
name Canonical name of the argument, corresponding to the property name in the schema.
extType? driver or plugin, if appropriate
extName? Extension name, if appropriate
ref Computed $id of the property in the schema
arg Argument as accepted on CLI, without leading dashes
dest Property name in parsed arguments object (as returned by argparse's parse_args())
defaultValue? Value of the default keyword in schema, if appropriate

When a schema is finalized, the Map is populated with ArgSpec objects for all known arguments.

So when the adapter is creating the pipeline of functions for the argument's type, it already has an ArgSpec for the argument. It creates a function which calls validate(value, ref) (in lib/schema/schema.js) where value is whatever the user provided, and ref is the ref property of the ArgSpec. The concept is that ajv can validate using any ref it knows about; each property in a schema can be referenced by this ref whether it's defined or not. To help visualize, if a schema is:

  "$id": "my-schema.json",
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "foo": {
      "type": "number"

The ref of foo would be my-schema.json#/properties/foo. Assuming our Ajv instance knows about this my-schema.json, then we can call its getSchema(ref) method (which has a schema property, but is a misnomer nonetheless) to get a validation function; validate(value, ref) in schema.js calls this validation function.


The schema spec says a schema author can supply an explicit $id keyword to override this; it's unsupported by Appium at this time. If needed, extension authors must carefully use $ref without custom $ids. It's highly unlikely an extension would have a schema so complicated as to need this, however; Appium itself doesn't even use $ref to define its own properties!

Next, let's take a look at how Appium loads schemas. This actually happens before any argument validation.

Schema Loading

Let's ignore extensions for a moment, and start with the base schema.

When something first imports the lib/schema/schema.js module, an instance of an AppiumSchema is created. This is a singleton, and its methods are exported from the module (all of which are bound to the instance).

The constructor does very little; it instantiates an Ajv instance and configures it with Appium's custom keywords and adds support for the format keyword via the ajv-formats module.

Otherwise, the AppiumSchema instance does not interact with the Ajv instance until its finalize() method (exported as finalizeSchema()) is called. When this method is called, we're saying "we are not going to add any more schemas; go ahead and create ArgSpec objects and register schemas with ajv".

When does finalization happen? Well:

  1. When the appium executable begins, it checks for and configures extensions (hand-wave) in APPIUM_HOME.
  2. Only then does it start to think about arguments--it instantiates an ArgParser, which (as you'll recall) runs the adapter to convert the schema to arguments.
  3. Finalization happens here--when creating the parser. Appium need the schema(s) to be registered with ajv in order to create validation functions for arguments.
  4. Thereafter, Appium parses the arguments with the ArgParser.
  5. Finally, decides what to do with the returned object.

Without extensions, finalize() still knows about the Appium base schema (appium-config-schema.js), and just registers that. However, step 1. above is doing a lot of work, so let's look at how extensions come into play.

Extension Support

One of the design goals of this system is the following:

An extension should be able to register custom CLI arguments with the Appium, and a user should be able to use them like any other argument.

Previously, Appium 2 accepted arguments in this manner (via --driverArgs), but validation was hand-rolled and required extension implementors to use a custom API. It also required the user to awkwardly pass a JSON string as the configuration on the command-line. Further, no contextual help (via --help) existed for these arguments.

Now, by providing a schema for its options, a driver or plugin can register CLI arguments and config file schemas with Appium.

To register a schema, an extension must provide the appium.schema property in its package.json. The value may be a schema or a path to a schema. If the latter, the schema should be JSON or a CommonJS module (ESM not supported at this time, nor is YAML).

For any property in this schema, the property will appear as a CLI argument of the form --<extension-type>-<extension-name>-<property-name>. For example, if the fake driver provides a property foo, the argument will be --driver-fake-foo, and will show in appium server --help like any other CLI argument.

The corresponding property in a config file would be server.<extension-type>.<extension-name>.<property-name>, e.g.:

  "server": {
    "driver": {
      "fake": {
        "foo": "bar"

The naming convention described above avoids problems of one extension type having a name conflict with a different extension type.


While an extension can provide aliases via appiumCliAliases, "short" flags are disallowed, since all arguments from extensions are prefixed with --<extension-type>-<extension-name>-. The extension name and argument name will be kebab-cased for the CLI, according to Lodash's rules around kebab-casing.

The schema object will look much like Appium's base schema, but it will only have top-level properties (nested properties are currently unsupported). Example:

  "title": "my rad schema for the cowabunga driver",
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "fizz": {
      "type": "string",
      "default": "buzz",
      "$comment": "corresponds to CLI --driver-cowabunga-fizz"

As written in a user's config file, this would be the server.driver.cowabunga.fizz property.

When extensions are loaded, the schema property is verified and the schema is registered with the AppiumSchema (it is not registered with Ajv until finalize() is called).

During finalization, each registered schema is added to the Ajv instance. The schema is assigned an $id based on the extension type and name (which overrides whatever the extension provides, if anything). Schemas are also forced to disallowed unknown arguments via the additionalProperties: false keyword.

Behind the scenes, the base schema has driver and plugin properties which are objects. When finalized, a property is added to each--corresponding to an extension name--and the value of this property is a reference to the $id of a property in the extension schema. For example, the server.driver property will look like this:

  "driver": {
    "cowabunga": {
      "$ref": "driver-cowabunga.json"

This is why we call it the "base" schema--it is mutated when extensions provide schemas. The extension schemas are kept separately, but the references are added to the schema before it's ultimately added to ajv. This works because an Ajv instance understands references from any schema it knows about to any schema it knows about.


This makes it impossible to provide a complete static schema for Appium and the installed extensions (as of Nov 5 2021). A static .json schema is generated from the base (via a Gulp task), but it does not contain any extension schemas. The static schema also has uses beyond Appium; e.g., IDEs can provide contextual error-checking of config files this way. Let's solve this?

Just like how we look up the reference ID of a particular argument in the base schema, validation of arguments from extensions happens the exact same way. If the cowabunga driver has the schema ID driver-cowabunga.json, then the fizz property can be referenced from any schema registered with ajv via driver-cowabunga.json#/properties/fizz. "Base" schema arguments begin with appium.json#properties/ instead.

Development Environment Support

During the flow of development, a couple extra tasks have been automated to maintain the base schema:

  • As a post-transpilation step, a lib/appium-config.schema.json gets generated from
  • lib/schema/appium-config-schema.js (in addition to its CJS counterpart generated by Babel).
  • This file is under version control. It ends up being copied to
  • build/lib/appium-config.schema.json in this step. A pre-commit hook (see
  • scripts/generate-schema-declarations.js in the root monorepo) generates
  • a types/appium-config-schema.d.ts from the above JSON file. The types in types/types.d.ts
  • depend upon this file. This file is under version control.

Custom Keyword Reference

Keywords are defined in lib/schema/keywords.js.

  • appiumCliAliases: allows a schema to express aliases (e.g., a CLI argument can be --verbose or -v). This is an array of strings. Strings shorter than three (3) characters will begin with a single dash (-) instead of a double-dash (--). Note that any argument provided by an extension will begin with a double-dash, because these are required to have the --<extension-type>-<extension-name>- prefix.
  • appiumCliDest: allows a schema to specify a custom property name in the post-argprase arguments objects. If not set, this becomes a camelCased string.
  • appiumCliDescription: allows a schema to override the description of the argument when displayed on the command-line. This is useful paired with appiumCliTransformer (or array/object-typed properties), since there's a substantial difference between what a CLI-using user can provide vs. what a config-file-using user can provide.
  • appiumCliTransformer: currently a choice between csv and json. These are custom functions which post-process a value. They are not used when loading & validating config files, but the idea should be that they result in the same object you'd get if you used whatever the config file wanted (e.g., an array of strings). csv is for comma-delimited strings and CSV files; json is for raw JSON strings and .json files.
  • appiumCliIgnore: If true, do not support this property on the CLI.
  • appiumDeprecated: If true, the property is considered "deprecated", and will be displayed as such to the user (e.g., in the --help output). Note the JSON Schema draft-2019-09 introduces a new keyword deprecated which we should use instead if upgrading to this metaschema. When doing so, appiumDeprecated should itself be marked as deprecated.