
Filtering the Appium Log

Sometimes it might be necessary to hide sensitive information, like passwords, device identifiers, hashes, etc..., from the server log. Appium makes it possible to ensure such information is redacted in logs via the --log-filters command line argument. This argument allows you to provide the path to a special config file, containing one or more log obfuscation rules.

Config Format

The filtering config must be one of:

  • a path to a valid JSON file containing an array of filtering rules
  • a log-filters entry in an Appium Config file, with the rules array inline

Each rule is an object with a set of predefined properties. The following rule properties are supported:

  • pattern: A valid Javascript RegExp pattern to replace. Must be a valid non-empty pattern.
  • text: A simple non-empty exact text match to replace. Either this property or the above one must be provided. pattern has priority over text if both are provided.
  • flags: Regular expression flags for the given pattern. Supported flags are the same as for the standard JavaScript RegExp constructor. Note that the g (global matching) flag is always enabled.
  • replacer: The replacer value to use. By default it is **SECURE**. Empty values are allowed.

Config Examples

Replace all occurrences of my.magic.app string with the default replacer:

        "text": "my.magic.app"

Replace all occurrences of my.magic.<any char> string with a custom replacer (case insensitive):

        "pattern": "my\\.magic\\.\\w",
        "flags": "i",
        "replacer": "***"

Replace all occurrences of my.magic.<any chars> and/or your.magic strings with a custom replacer (case insensitive):

        "pattern": "my\\.magic\\.\\w+",
        "flags": "i",
        "replacer": "***"
        "pattern": "your\\.magic",
        "flags": "i",
        "replacer": "***"

Truncate all log lines to max 15 chars (advanced):

        "pattern": "(.{1,15}).*",
        "flags": "s",
        "replacer": "$1"

Config Errors Handling

If any of the config rules contains invalid items (such as empty/invalid pattern, empty rule, etc.) then Appium will print the detailed report about collected errors and will fail to start until these errors are addressed.