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Announcing Sauce Labs as Appium's Strategic Partner

The good news surrounding our new sponsorship and contributor compensation program just keeps coming! Effective immediately we are fortunate and excited to be able to welcome a new Strategic Partner to the Appium project: Sauce Labs!

Sauce Labs has a long history of support for the Appium project. In fact, Appium was initially incubated at Sauce Labs under the direction of @jlipps, in the early days of mobile automation. Sauce Labs always envisioned Appium as being a project for and by the community, and cemented this perspective in 2016 with the donation of Appium to the JS Foundation (now the OpenJS Foundation). To this day, developers associated with Sauce Labs continue to help maintain various parts of the Appium project.

Now, Sauce Labs is making a further commitment to support Appium financially as a way to enable our new contributor compensation program. We're very excited about this program as a vehicle for getting more people involved in Appium's development and maintenance. With the help of Strategic Partners like Sauce Labs, our project will be better able to meet the needs of our constantly growing userbase, and attract new developers (like you?) to build the Appium ecosystem together. Needless to say, we are extremely grateful for Sauce Labs's support!

About Sauce Labs

Sauce Labs is the leader in continuous quality. Our Platform for Test helps organizations transform software testing from a chore to a competitive advantage. With decades of expertise and deep roots in the Selenium and Appium open source communities, high performing software teams use our platform to execute any testing workload across thousands of different devices, browsers, and operating systems—anywhere, any time, and at any scale. For more information, please visit