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Appium-Related Tools

There are several Appium tools that have been created to to assist with things not directly related to testing, such as Appium installation, test development, and more.

Appium Inspector

Appium has a graphical client which can be used to inspect application screenshots, view the application hierarchy, run Appium commands, record app interactions, and more. It is very useful for Appium test development.

Find downloads and more information on its GitHub page: Appium Inspector

Appium Doctor

The appium-doctor CLI tool can be used to validate proper environment setup for Android and iOS automation, and identify any common configuration issues. It can be installed with npm:

npm install -g @appium/doctor

Learn more on its GitHub page: Appium Doctor

Other Tools

These tools are not maintained by the Appium team and can be used to assist with other problems:

Name Description Supported By
appium-installer Help set up an Appium environment for Android and iOS @AppiumTestDistribution