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Install Appium


Before installing, make sure to check the System Requirements.

Appium can be installed globally using npm:

npm install -g appium


Other package managers are not currently supported.

Starting Appium

Appium can be started using the command line:


This launches the Appium server process, which loads all the installed Appium drivers, and begins waiting for new session requests from client connections (such as test automation scripts). Since the server process is independent from its clients, it must be explicitly launched before attempting to start a new session.

When the server is launched, the console log will list all the valid URLs that clients can use to connect to this server:

[Appium] You can provide the following URLs in your client code to connect to this server:
[Appium] (only accessible from the same host)
(... any other URLs ...)

Once a client requests a new session, the Appium server process will start logging all details about this session until its termination. Keep this in mind - if you ever encounter issues with Appium tests, you can always check the server log for more details.

So what's next? Even though Appium is installed and running, it does not come bundled with any drivers, which means it cannot automate anything yet. We will therefore set up automation for Android - continue to Installing the UiAutomator2 Driver.